Welcome to Karel Beer's "Laughing & Music Matters in Paris" web site.
Standing up for comedy in Paris since 1995

We are proud to present some of the world's greatest stand-up comedians
and sometimes simply the best concert acts you can hear anywhere in the world.

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Laughing Matters In Paris Presents a Rare Double Bill

Colin Chadwick
Nicole Harris

Wednesday 2nd April 8pm


11, rue des Canettes Paris 6
metro St Germain des Pres / Mabillon

prix des places / tickets 25 euros (17 studnets)
reservations / book here

ou via comedy@anythingmatters.com


or you can paypal pre-pay via my karel@anythingmatters.com account

Colin Chadwick is a London based Irish comedian and writer.`
He is also co-host of the monthly Mess Around, Dublin’s silliest comedy night.
His stand-up has been featured on RTE TV, BBC Radio 2 and 4extra.
In 2015 he appeared at the Cat Laughs, Vodafone and Edinburgh festival where
he was a finalist in the Amused Moose Laugh Off.
Having written for the BBC’s award winning Newsjack,

“An expert in setting up one-liners” – Arts Award Voice.

"The man can certainly write a gag" - Chortle.

Nicole Harris was the first woman to win Jewish Comedian of the Year
and went on to be a finalist in the New Act of The Year Showcase
in 2019 performing at The Hackney Empire.
In the same year she was selected to host the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe
AAA Stand Up Late Show at the Gilded Balloon.
Known for her quick wit, ability to think on her feet and quirky comedy style,
Nicole is a one off original. She’s a bit naughty, a bit risque, but not one bit forgettable

“Taking Laughter to the Next Level”
– Jewish Chronicle

“A Force of Nature”
- Arthur Miller

“Can’t explain the amazing energy Nicole creates in a room…needs to be seen”
- Chuckl Comedy Club

“Effortlessly funny”
- Deadline News



L'Archipel in association with Mom Productions and Karel Beer
Chris Smither

in concert
Sunday 30 March 2025 8pm
17, Bvd de Strasbourg Paris X

reservations / book here

"Chris Snither is a genuine master singer/guitar player/songwriter who is at the top of his game right now. In fact, he just keeps getting better and better! He makes us all know that age can be embraced, there is no need to fear the passing of time, as art is ageless, and mastery does not give a damn about numbers on a calendar. Chris Smither is playing Paris? BE THERE!"
Mary Gauthier

"I've never had the pleasure of meeting Mr Smither, but he has, over the years, been a constant companion. His records have always been there for me; funny, consoling, strange, soulful, unexpected.
Thanks for being a true friend."
Jeb Loy Nichols

"Chris Smither has been all around the world and spoke to everybody twice.
He's been a much valued songwriter, a fine Brownie McGhee styled guitarist, a singer in several languages,
a worthy member of the blues and Americana communities, a successful author of published prose,
and a damn fine man to know. His music has stood the test of time
and his reputation is growing like the most precious wildflower." 
Sid Griffin

Laughing Matters In Paris Says It's A Privilege To Present

Finlay Christie

prix des places / tickets 25 euros (17 studnets)
reservations / book here

ou via comedy@anythingmatters.com


or you can paypal pre-pay via my karel@anythingmatters.com account

Finlay Christie is a British comedian who won the 2019 edition of the
So You Think You're Funny stand up competition as a 19-year-old.

Christie started performing comedy at age 6.
As a member of Generation Z, his humour often plays on generational resentment,
and his first show "OK Zoomer" was a YouTube special
He also plays off his privileged background.[




the recording