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What the people say
Thank you for the
album Karel, it sounds FANTASTIC mazel tov!! Gary Lucas (musician)
Great music for dressmaking to. Mary Sheridan (seamstress)
Thanks for sending 'Informer Times'. I like it. Very much of the era. BJ Cole (musician)
Il est super bien
ton disque, Karel On l'écoute en boucle depuis hier soir.
Et je me force pas à le dire, il est vraiment chouette, très
cool et très riche. Bravo. Jean-Christophe Ditroy (musician - peintre)
Just been listening to the CD -really got a great sound to it and some lovely
Have to confess to the track I'm on being one of my favs!!!
No, not cos I'm
on it, just think it's one of the stronger songs! Best .Tim Stone (musician)
Informer Times is great company on the way to work.
I love that chorus 'when
the going gets tough, they call your bluff'. Alex Summerfield (man with proper job)
I'm very impressed,
really good songs, with some very clever, wry and quite scathing lyrics, telling
puns and witty rhymes.
It's particularly refreshing to hear songs with so much to say. The musicianship
is pretty amazing too,
with particularly outstanding solos for guitar, violin and saxophone. Lewis
Beer (nephew)
Oh yeah sounds great
in the car. Ella likes it too and she's a tough audience.
We both loved the line about "remember that when you're bored" Andy
J Forest (musician)
Magnifique un petit bijou Bravo ! Dominique Robin (tai chi instructeur)
Félicitations pour ton travail, le chant et à tous les musiciens,
très agréable
et j'ai l'impression que vous êtes tous encore une fois au Festival
à Rochefort. Florence Massonneau
Thanks for the CD. Comparisons are odious, but I'm sure I'm not the first
to identify
Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits & Loudon Wainwright (to name but 4!)
as having influenced your creativity.
Congratulations on your choice of accompanying musicians -
can I really have been a fan of Clive Gregson for 24 years? Felicity Howard (fan of Clive)
We enjoy your songs
and your voice. Sasa and myself love the former
times in a music.
With love from cold Prague at Easter time Sasa and Honza Stary (cousin)
Got Informer Times. Have listened to Informer Times. Love Informer Times.
Now I am informed!
Best wishes and keep it coming! Mike Peven (professor of art and ex Bachdenkel chauffeur)
C'est tous ce que j'aime... Bluffant! Robin (l'Ami Pierre patron)
Played the album a couple of times now... great stuff! It's also nice to be able to put faces and personalities to the sounds... the IHB did you proud! Congrats... and see you on the charts! Bestest: Clive Gregson (musician)
The songs, many I think are superb. nuff said. Colin Swinburne (musician)
Enjoyed listening to your CD very much. Love the Dylany/Coheny atmosphere... Christine Burls
Brilliant! Ashley Leiman (my sister)
I've been laid up with a nasty spring flu - and while all medicines have thus far proved useless,
your CD has sustained me - I've played it over and over - great work. Jeb Loy Nichols (musician)
Have enjoyed listening to the first few tracks - will continue the informer experience with a cuppa in a Dublin kitchen. Rosena Horan (musician)
Congratulations your CD arrived safely in Brooklyn. I enjoy listening to it! Me and my Mamma drove around Baltimore listening to it as a poetic soundtrack.
So now you've got one fan (me) in NYC and one fan (My Mamma) in Baltimore.
Your music reminds me of Leonard Cohen ! And I am pleased that my soothing tones on the Basset Horn could serve as a few "brush-stroke" hues which blend into your poetic art-work. David Layton (musician)
Proud to have been able to contribute and in such esteemed company! A hell of lot of work and effort I know to bring such collection to life. You are to be congratulated! Terry Lee Hale (musician)
Dark music. George Wolfheart (musician)
It's F*cking Good! Terry Colligan (Irishman)
Great work on the CD . Reminds me of recent Leonard Cohen albums, and that’s a good thing.
Worth the wait. Robbi Rossi (procrastinator)
Great! Isabelle Galhaut (painter)
A great listen! Wasn’t what I was expecting but even better! Georgina Harris (mother of Prune)
Sounds great in the car. Tom Arnold (musician)
Sounded good in my car too. When I had one. Rob Armus (musician)
Oh Karel, Love it! V. cool Reed/Dylanish vibe , MILLE MERCIS!! Xoxoxoxox Julie McDonald (actress)
Sounds great, nostalgia, folk n’ roll, intimacy rooted. Simple and dark. Great stuff. Yan Vagh (musician)
Il est bon ta voix et belle. Novella Bassano (photographer/designer)
Un album magnifique, merci ! Caroline Barray (écrivain publique)
I've listened your CD many times and my faves are : Angel Maker, Bridges On A Rainy Day, Duty Free,
The Shape Of My Shirt and Call It A Day. Jean-Paul Ribes
I got the cd. I love it! I didn’t know what to expect musically,
though the lyrics have the usual Karel brilliance
but the music really fits. It’s totally you.
The tracks that jumped out at me were
Bridges on a Rainy Day, Duty Free, Call it a Day and First Person,
though I liked all of them.
Everything you need and nothing you don’t in it. Irv Mowrey (musician)
I love your CD. Claudia Rajlich (art historien)
J'écoute ton disque depuis toute à l'heure,... Bravo !!! Tati Mouzo (peintre)
Today your CD was in my letter box, I can not believe it is your music, wonderful. .
I love it. Evgeniga Demnievska
Sounds like a classic album to me. Jonathan Kavanagh (graphic deisgner)
Opus magnifique entre Pink Floyd & Karel Beer. I love it! Michel Rechtman (misfit)
I love it! It's so great to hear your music and wonder what you must have been thinking/doing when you wrote the songs. Robyn Cohen
J’adore ton CD c’est vachement bien. Serge Bensimon (clothing)
Great album I love it. Richard Piper (actor/singer)
Bravo pour cette performance à mi-chemin entre Leonard Cohen et Lou Reed !
Je l'écoute avec un très grand plaisir. Patrice Piquard (journalist)
Enjoyed your CD. Alexander Bailey
Bravo très agréable je l’ai écouté plusieurs fois de suite. Guillaume Breiat (voisin)
Really like your record and so does my girlfriend and that’s good. Thomas Noton (ex music publisher)
I really like your record man. Marten Ingle (musician
I really like the CD! Andy Roberts (musician)
I was so happy to get my copy of 'Informer Times' down here in Australia....
I poured a 'vin rouge', and sat to listen....I was so proud for you Karel,
I know you have worked long and hard on this project. It is so well done, and a real credit to you.
The tracks all sound great, and the musicians too!
It also includes some very cool lyrical lines which for me were the gravy! .
.It was an honour to be a small part of it. Congratulations! Marisa Yeaman (musician)
Love it!. All the things I like are in the music. Jennifer Terran (musician)
Musicien, chanteur, poète, acteur, journaliste, producteur etc. Karel Beer mène sa vie d’artiste complet en grande partie à Paris où il a posé ses valises au début des années 1970. Journaliste entre autres à NME, il croise de nombreux musiciens et pas des moindres avec lesquels il conserve de vraies relations d’amitié. Ainsi ce disque Informer Times est le résultat d’une prose expressionniste intimiste et de rencontres diverses pour lequel 26 musiciens de haut niveau ont posé leur instrument successivement dans le studio de la Sound Gallery, quai de Jemmapes à Paris. Cela donne tout simplement une perle de la pop musique anglaise d’une rare beauté car Karel Beer est également un merveilleux chanteur compositeur. Et là, certains se mordent les doigts de ne pas être suffisamment anglophone pour comprendre toute la finesse de la poésie tourmentée de Karel. Karel Beer organise également des concerts à Paris et des privilégiés se souviennent non sans nostalgie du très beau festival qu’il avait créé il y a quelques années à Rochefort :
Rochefort en Accords.
Informer time est dédicacé à Jack Nitzsche, compositeur et producteur américain (1937 - 2000)
Caroline Barray pour Trad Mag
Sat down finally for a couple of good listens. Nicely done, amigo.
And a tip of my hat to you on your fine album. (and you know I take my hats
The music paired nicely with a nice Fronsac I had around the house. Some of the songs went down well with cognac.
Good songs and well produced. I, myself, sensed a bit of a Lou Reed vibe. Must be the New Yawker in you.
Al Rose (musician)
C'est un plaisir d'écouter tes chansons avec ta voix que je découvre et que j'apprécie
et avec tous ces musiciens qui ont fait l'esprit Rochefort en Accords. Stephane Maresse
I really like the CD, your way with words and the fact that the music is always moving on. Richard Yelland
It's difficut not to like that kind of music
Difficile de ne pas aimer ce genre de musique. Yazid Manou (best promo man in Paris)
I even listened to it.... it was most interesting Ian Honeyman (tenor)
fair play karel as we say in ireland,
it's sending me back to the crazy hazy seventies (lou reed?) Paul Tiernan (musician)
... loving your album. there are great songs there and the production is so nice
& your chord changes are so interesting!
Beautiful. .It needs to be heard by more far and wide. Nibs Van der Spuy (musician)
I have started listening
there are some lovely songs on there. Petra Gerhmann (music publisher)
Bien reçu, bien écouté, super !!!! Helene Labarriere (musician)
I listened to your album every day for a week upon my return to LA! Sallie Keena (musician)
I enjoyed Informer Times John Lester (musician)
Great bass playing Kevin Church
PS Love "Informer Times" Helene
Collon (photographe journaliste)
my hit parade. Larry Shore
Karel, I don't think I ever congratulated you on your album?! IT'S WONDERFUL!
Jennifer Yerkes
Charming very cool and gentle. Szajner (musicien)
I love your CD! Jasmine Vegas (the one and only)
So cool baby so cool! Julien Plantier (song and dancer)
J'adore ca. Guillaume Breiat
Lots of luck with the cd sales and give it a great review. We listened with our friends at our monthly whisky tasting and it was a thumbs-up all around.
We have to listen again while Not intoxicated.........!
Karen & Mitch Bakos
Your CD is really good.... Constantan Dimoiu
Amazing! It's like Loyd Cole meets... err... all sorts of people. Marie Baleo
Your CD is magnificent...I love listening to it.
I am struck by how wonderful the lyrics are.
They are amazing.
I have actually worn out the CD I listened to to it all the way to Tumwater Washington, then Bend Oregon and home. I adore it and have most of the songs committed to memory. It is amazing and I would love to know more about who accompanied you and how much is based on your own experience. Every time I listen to it I have this irresistible urge to just sit and talk to you and listen to your mind.
Lynn Ruth Miller (comedienne)
Hi, Karel ! I got the CD of course and... I LOVE IT !!!
I think it's the best CD I bought in 2015.
I am happy, that You finally brought out this CD, with your stuff.
I like most of the production and it sounds really good !
Let's stay in contact & all the best in 2016 (can't get much worse...)
Michael Obst
PS: I got the slight impression You don't like Dylan & Lou Reed
WOW Karel! lovely, very beautiful
Stauffer Veit (Disquaire Zurich)