In concert from top Australian band
"Wedding Parties Anything"
Mick Thomas
& an ex "Good Son"
Michael Weston King
The Sound GallerySunday 26 & Monday 27 May 2002
There weren't many of us there and the concerts were transfered into the Sound Gallery next door but we took real pleasure in hearing these two musicians in a unique environment. Monday night saw them simply trading songs and playing together - something they had never done before. Soundd great - sheer spontaneous magic.
Best known as the founder of Australia's "Wedding Parties Anything" Mick Thomas has moved off in a new direction with his solo work. He is one of Australia's finest singer songwriters and he can enchant and enthral an audience with his wry tales and distinctive musical persona.
The other Mick - Weston King recently opened for Mary Gauthier when she played here and mightily impressed the copious crowd. He has a stunning reputation as a live attraction whether it be at a full on rockin' pace with his band "The Good Sons" or through his starker more personal solo sets.